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Twice Baked Potato Casserole

I absolutely love making Twice Baked Potato Casserole! It’s a comforting and hearty dish that is packed with flavor. The creamy mashed potatoes mixed with cheese, bacon, and green onions create a deliciously indulgent filling. And the best part? The crispy golden topping that forms when the casserole bakes in the oven.

It’s the ultimate side dish for any occasion, whether it’s a weeknight dinner or a special holiday gathering. Plus, it’s super easy to make – just bake, scoop, mix, and bake again! Trust me, once you try this casserole, you’ll be hooked.

Tips for Perfecting the Recipe

Choose the Right Potatoes: For a casserole that’s creamy on the inside with just the right amount of crisp on the top, selecting the right type of potato is crucial. Russet potatoes are ideal for this recipe due to their high starch content, which lends to a fluffier texture when mashed.

Cooking the Potatoes: Whether you choose to bake or boil your potatoes, ensure they are cooked thoroughly but not overdone. Overcooked potatoes can become waterlogged, affecting the final texture of your casserole. If boiling, start them in cold water to cook evenly.

Achieving Creamy Consistency: The combination of butter, cream cheese, and sour cream is key to creating a rich and creamy texture. Adjust the milk or cream gradually to avoid making the mixture too runny. Room temperature ingredients blend more smoothly, so consider taking them out of the fridge ahead of time.

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Seasoning: Don’t underestimate the power of seasoning. Salt and pepper are essentials, but garlic powder and fresh parsley can elevate the flavor profile. Taste as you go to ensure the seasoning is just right.

Cheese Matters: Using a good quality cheddar cheese makes a difference. For the best melt and flavor, grate your own cheese rather than buying pre-shredded, which often contains anti-caking agents that can affect the texture.

Crispy Bacon: For bacon that stays crispy, cook it until it’s just shy of your desired crispness before adding it to the casserole. It will continue to cook slightly in the oven.

Layering Flavors: Consider layering your ingredients for added texture and flavor. A layer of cheese in the middle as well as on top ensures every bite is cheesy and delicious.

Baking to Perfection: Bake the casserole until it’s heated through and the cheese is bubbly and golden brown. If the top starts to brown too quickly, cover it loosely with aluminum foil.

Ingredients Needed for This Recipe

6 medium baked potatoes or boiled potatoes (see below)
¼ cup butter
4 oz cream cheese softened
⅔ cup sour cream
½ cup milk or cream (add more or less to taste)
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon fresh parsley chopped
2 cups cheddar cheese shredded
2 green onions thinly sliced
10 slices bacon cooked & crumbled
salt & pepper to taste


1 green onion sliced
2 slices bacon cooked & crumbled
½ cup cheddar cheese

Instructions for Making Twice Baked Potato Casserole

Preheat oven to 375°F.
To make creamy mashed potatoes, use a potato masher to mash either warm baked or boiled potatoes. Then, mix in butter, cream cheese, and sour cream. Continue mashing while gradually adding milk or cream until you achieve a smooth and creamy texture.
Incorporate the rest of the ingredients (excluding the toppings) and evenly distribute them in a casserole dish that can hold 2 quarts.
Add toppings to the dish and cook in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the cheese has melted and the potatoes are heated through.

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